I thought I would do a post on
"House, MD's" two fashionable stars,
Dr. Lisa Cuddy and
Dr. Allison Cameron since the show is returning with new episodes this week. I loved Dr. Cameron from the start but it took me a little while to warm up to Dr. Cuddy. I could only see her as awful Ben-stealing Lauren from "Felicity" (my favorite show) and/or penis woman from "Ally McBeal."
They seriously have the best outfits ('flirty' tops and skirts for Dr. Cuddy, vests and blouses for Dr. Cameron) though it's hard to find good photos since they usually wear the white doctor coat. Here are my favorites:

This purple/gray combination looked great

This actor is from the city I'm going to in Australia

I love this black top/gray skirt combination

Dr. Cameron wears J.CREW almost exclusively...I haven't seen an episode without here wearing something from J.CREW!