
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Preppy names

This baby name website has a long list of what they consider "IVY LEAGUE PREPPY STYLE BABY NAMES." Some of them are right on: Archibald, Caldwell, Dutton but others are totally trashy/strange/too trendy: Mercedes, Hadwen, Cuyler.
For a shorter list check out this site.

I don't have any girls names picked out for my Future Children but have a bunch of boys names that I like. What are your favorite names?

In other news, I have two summer internship interviews this morning. It would be great to already know what I'm doing in February!
I did not go to the Lauren Conrad shopping event on Tuesday because (1) I had no one to go with (all my friends are back in school) and (2) it would just be way too tempting!
I did splurge on a "fancy" haircut from Joseph Martin Salon in Beverly Hills (going away present from my mom). I never understood why women would spend so much on haircuts. Then I went to this place and I totally get it now. My stylist was amazing, knew exactly how to balance what I wanted and what would look good, and was so worth it. He fixed my bangs, gave me great layers, and cut my hair so that it will look great as it grows out (definitely important since I probably won't be getting my hair cut for months).


  1. good luck on the internship interviews! That would be great if you could get one this early. When I was looking for mine last year I was so stressed out. Also, I found that website awhile ago and some of those names are just unbelievably stupid. Like, Birchard and Espy. I mean, seriously. Isn't an Espy some kind of an award?

  2. Good luck on your interviews!

    I lied in DC for about 3.5 years and went to Andre Chreke for my hair. I never fell in love with any of the stylists but for color the hands down best person IN THE WORLD is Fabiola (I think that is how she spells it).

    I think Bitsey, short for Elizabeth, is pretty adorable and preppy.

  3. Good haircuts are important. I got one in Japan because my hair was so long (for me that is) at first I didn;t like it, but now I am quite happy with it!

    As for names, The Aussie and I have picked out two girl's names - Natasha and Madeleine. Not sure if they are preppy-ish but I think they are quite nice. And more importantly, you don't meet many Natasha's or Madeleine's - the experience of three girls with the same name as me was more than enough to scar me lol.

    I saw that website a couple of months ago - while some of them are really great and I wish I had those names (Greek tradition is that you get named after grandparents, but thankfully my parents aren't crazy like that) but seriously some of them were a bit ridiculous!


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