
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

time for a new watch?

I am loving these pink and brown Juicy Couture watches:

this one may a bit too difficult to read


Those are little hearts on the band!

I have always worn watches pretty much 24/7 and have the tan to prove it. My current watch is in pretty bad shape (dirty, smelly, discolored-any watch obsessed person knows what I'm talking about) though I just don't think I could wear something this nice on a daily basis.

My current watch:
The band is no longer that pretty pink :(


  1. I like the pink and brown one or the dark pink one - the pink and brown one seems like it would match more things though... and I like your current watch too! Let us know which one you get!

  2. I really like the one on on the top. I know what you mean about wearing a watch all of the time. I feel like I am completely lost when I forget mine.

  3. I like the first one too... so cute! I get so sad when my band discolors like you said yours did. Why can't they just stay as is ;)

  4. Love them. Actually I am in the market for a new watch, perhaps someone should tell Coach to get me one?

  5. Very cute, I like the first one the most.

  6. I love these watches too. I like the last one. Juicy C is always fun and stylish.

  7. I like the second one the best. But I'm a sucker for pink and brown (they're the colors of my bedroom) so I like them all a whole lot. As for being hard to read, I have a movado classic which has no markers on it save the dot at 12, and after about a day I could read it no problem - so don't let that stop you if you like it best! Cute blog btw, love the anchors :)

  8. I just bought an adorable tank watch at 3 Chickadees - they are doing 20% off if you mention TCP!

  9. your blog is precious!

    I practically stole the dress from TJ Maxx as it was dirt cheap. I hear it's on sale at Dillard's right now for $120! haha. It was one of my better finds.

    I have a friend studying abroad right now in Australia from NC! Anyone in your program from my area? -- HAVE FUN!


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