
Monday, May 12, 2008

I actually miss your incessant barking

So I am really missing my dog right now. I could hear her barking when I was on the phone with my mom. I could just picture her at the front window barking at a bird/squirrel/garbage truck/whatever. Usually it drives me nuts (I mean does the bird really have to just sit there and torture her?) but I actually miss hearing her. I don't have many photos of Jupiter (yeah she's a girl with the name of a male god) on this computer but I did find these.

Puppy Jupi (With a face that cute I can almost forgive her for ripping apart my favorite teddy bear backpack)

A couple of years ago she had surgery and had to wear one of those awful collars. She would just look at me with those eyes and that face...


And here she is spending some quality couch time with the little boy I babysit for:
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I swear she is actually very pretty- I just have all the photos on the home computer!


  1. Aww how cute! I missed my cats when I was in Japan as well. When Cleo was spayed, she had to wear the collar thing - Caesar was so close to attacking her (she smelled of vet and he HATES the vet) she stayed with me in my room at night. Got quite snuggly too; she would just roll over and cuddle up next to me.

  2. How cute! He is going to be so happy to see you when you get home! I really want a puppy, but since we want a big dog we are going to wait until we have a little bit more space.

  3. He looks so sweet and I know what you mean about those sad eyes!

  4. So darn cute!! I miss my puppy - she's a big ol' chocolate lab who also barks at EVERYTHING... just gets right up in the window and "WOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOH!!!!" Dog. Effing a. It's a bird.

  5. Oh, Jupi looks like a complete sweetheart! I'm sure she misses you too, I bet there will be a lot of tail-wagging going on when you get home. :)

  6. Oh SO sweet! I am going to miss Chloe terribly when I am in Europe. She is not even mine, but when I spend all day, everyday with her I feel as if she might as well be!

  7. Aww if I could send you my monster of a puppy for a good 2 week visit to keep you company I would! It won't be that much longer until you can see your doggie though and she will be super excited to see you too!!

  8. She is SO cute! You must miss her a lot. :(

  9. OH she is so cute! I would miss my dog so much too if I was abroad. I'm sure she misses you and can't wait to lick you face when you get home!

  10. Your dog is so cute! BTW, I tagged you!

  11. awwww! so stinkin' cute! surelt makes me miss my little dog as well!

  12. i'm obessessed with my big lab and love him so much it is probably unhealthy...even when he won't stop barking at nothing & wants me to get up at 6am so he can eat. there's nothing like home!

  13. Aww- what a sweet girl!! I love when they curl up so tiny like that.


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