
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vacation has officially started!!

My last week and a half in Australia will mostly be spent traveling. Tonight I leave for Sydney. My friend J, from LA (we worked together one summer), decided to come visit so we are meeting up in Sydney. Before I even knew I was coming to Australia my friends A and T (from elementary school) planned to visit their friend AT (who they know from high school) while she is studying in Sydney. So we will all be meeting up in Sydney this weekend. To make things a bit more complicated my friend from here, M, is coming and so is her cousin (who is visiting from the US). Plus I will hopefully get to see W too (a good friend of one of my best friends) who is also studying in Sydney (W-are you reading this?).

Then Monday me, J, A, and T will head north to Cairns, our gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. If you had told me a year ago that I would be snorkeling through the Great Barrier Reef I would have thought you were crazy! Fingers crossed we will be doing something else I NEVER thought I would do: SKYDIVE! As long as the weather is ok (please pray for no rain!) and at least one of my friends wants to go, I will be jumping out of an airplane 14,000 ft above Australia!

Friday J and I will be saying bye to A and T (who will be going back to visit AT in Sydney) and flying back to Melbourne. We will spend the weekend in Melbourne and then leave for LAX Tuesday morning!

I have some posts saved up so I will try to post every few days, depending on internet access.


  1. I will keep my fingers crossed that you get to skydive! I went a few years ago and it is such a thrill! I was in free-fall for 63 seconds, it's an amazing feeling!

  2. The J Crew theft incident is a heinous crime! By the way - you lucky lucky thing going to the barrier reef. Watch out for the Bull Sharks! (I probably shouldn't have said that!) Take an underwater camera!!

  3. Oh - and forgot to add - there is a great photo on Summertime Beauty's new blog - you must check it out for the photo of the elephant!

  4. J-E-A-L-O-U-S, that's what I am! I hope you have a fabulous last few days in Australia.

  5. Have a great time! Skydiving is something I have always *kinda sorta* wanted to do but I am pretty sure it will never happen b/c I am afraid of heights and pretty much a huge chicken! I'll live vicariously through you! Have a great time and come back and tell us everything!

  6. Hope you have a great time!

  7. I am so jealous! Have fun! I will pray that the rain will hold off, so you can skydive! What an awesome chance to skydive and go to the barrier reef! Can't wait to hear all about it!:)

  8. Have such amazing travels! I cannot wait to hear all about everything!

  9. 1) Didn't realize "A and T" were going to Australia. That's so exciting! Say hi to them for me please.
    2) I hope you get to see Nay in Sydney.
    3) OMG skydiving! I hope you do it! One of my friends from the villa did it for high school graduation or something and loved it. Not that I would *ever* do that so you'll just have to tell me all about it.
    4) I'm glad you'll have J on the flight back so it won't be so long.
    5) I got your postcard today (early!)
    6) A girl at work told me she saw Strangers (Scott's new horror flick) and it was good. Why does he only do genres I never see? Come on!

  10. Have a FABULOUS time! I'm jealous over here! :)

  11. Have a fabu final few weeks down under!! Enjoy your travels with your good pals!

  12. enjoy your trip... it sounds like so much fun... as has the rest of your experience.. loved the pictures!!!

  13. ugh, so jealous! i have ALWAYS wanted to go to the great barrier reef!! take lots of pictures for us!!

  14. Ok you lost me a little with the A's, and T's but I hope you all have fun.

    Have a safe flight.

    Let me know when you're in LA!

  15. I recently started reading blogs and viewed yours today. I love nautical things, so I rather adore your blog!

    Have a safe trip!


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