
Monday, August 4, 2008

How could I forget this little detail?

We had front row seats and danced on stage with ELTON JOHN!

Fortunately one of my friends had his iphone so we did get a couple of priceless photos that I will post as soon as he emails them to me.


  1. I am very sorry to hear about your uncle. I would like to extend my condolences. Your trip sounds amazing . To us British people Elton John is royalty. I can not wait to see the photo's.

  2. That is an awesome little detail! Glad you had a fabulous trip, and can't wait to see pictures. I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle. You are in my prayers!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of your uncle's passing.
    I CANNOT believe that you got to dance onstage with EJ! What a memory of a lifetime!

  4. Seriously? Very cool.

    I tagged you (and broke a rule when I did). Go check it out.

  5. Holy crap! That is so exciting. He has been on my list of people I want to meet, like for my whole life!

  6. OH MY GOSH... Elton John. That is SO cool.

  7. NO WAY! That's mad! can't wait to see the pictures!!!

  8. That sounds quite fantabulous. Can't wait to see the pics!

  9. Oh MIss Kate...

    I saw this and just went "Holy S***! (Very UnPrincesslike, I know.) What a fabulous experience! He is on the Top Five Alltime Hit Parade for TP. Alltime.

    Actually, I'm reading the more recent bio on him this week. I'm only about 75 pages in, but it is good. At any rate, *cannot* wait for photos! Wow!

    I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle, glad you were able to see him last week. It's hard tho', even when it's expected. :-(

    Sending a Cyberhug,

  10. So jealous...I love Elton John!!

  11. Wow, you must have loved that!! Glad you had a good trip.

  12. Guess what!? YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! :) It's a fun one, see my blog for details :))


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