I did have a LOOONG afternoon babysitting (my arms are killing me from lugging around a very cute but fat baby) but otherwise:
1. Finally got a start date for my internship (I know you all thought I had already started, haha!): the week of October 6 (my birthday week!).
2. My sister is coming to visit my birthday weekend!!! My other sister (who I live with) and I have birthdays that are a day apart so we are having a joint party. Well my oldest sister is coming for the weekend of our party! She doesn't get much time off of work so I am thrilled she's flying across the country to visit.
3. I was tagged by three great bloggers:
Wearing Mascara,
Some Like It Hot and
Pink Cupcake to share 7 random facts about me
1. I really hate when my google reader is really high. I am constantly checking it so that I will only have a few posts to read at a time. I think this comes from my return to the US: I had over 1000 posts to go through (from just a couple of days of not reading) and I just couldn't handle it!
2. I got my ears pierced my freshman year of college and wrote a paper on the experience
3. I hate cotton balls. I can tolerate qtips but keep the cotton balls away from me!
4. I hate the word panties.
5. I love vacuuming.
6. My sheets/covers have to be completely tucked in for me to sleep (I think this comes from the fact I'm tall and don't like my feet hanging over and getting cold)
7. I always set my alarm to an odd number (such as 8:43, 9:17)
I am tagging anyone who wants to join in!