
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Swaps Part 2

Fall swap from Red and White Preppy (she also sent some candy but N and I ate it all before I took the photo)

Wicked swap from Etiquettely Correct


  1. Ahhh lucky you doing a swap! Lulu and I need to figure out how to join one of those :)

    I got that shirt at anthropologie ironically enough last year when I was in ohio. It was on sale and I love it. There is a good one in Tysons II, I always make a b-line for the sale stuff. My college budget can't handle that place otherwise!!

  2. Cute stuff! Love it. I would have loved to do it but I was worried I wouldn't have time. Now I may consider doing a Christmas one. I do LOVE Christmas :)

    Hope you're having a great week.

  3. Oooh! Swapping looks like so much fun!

  4. I want a swap! That looks like so much fun!

  5. I love your fall swap items. I just got home last night from China and my wicked swap package was waiting for me. I'm going to post pics soon. Do you know of any holiday or Christmas swaps?


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