Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just an update

Yesterday was our office Thanksgiving breakfast (umm yeah kinda odd). I had enough food for a huge breakfast (I woke up late and came hungry) and lunch. I guess just another perk working with the fed govt ;)

The next couple of weeks are going to be so stressful. I leave Tuesday night for California. Warm weather. Yes! I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving. Then just a week of classes, finals, and I am done with half of my senior year. Craziness!

I can't believe I am going to admit this BUT I am actually getting tired of all these sale emails. I mean I am having trouble keeping up with it all: who's offering free shipping, who is having a friends and family sale, and on and on. I wake up and have 54 emails that are JUST shopping! But I guess I will do my part to help the economy ;)


  1. I am getting sick of the emails too! I just hit delete at this point

  2. I hear you - it's really overload. I must get at least 50-60 per day.

  3. YUM! That breakfast sounds delicious :)

    Hope you have a great trip to California!

  4. I don't even open them anymore. That breakfast sounds great.

    Have fun in California!! I'm jealous of the weather!

  5. Have a safe and relaxing trip with your family. We need to host a DC blogger meet up after the holidays.. Are you in?? xo

  6. mmm..Thanksgiving food!!


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