
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Yes, I slept in my office cafeteria

And so it begins (I think these first few photos were taken around 1 AM)
I took this photo from the street (looking inside at K and M):

One of my favorite photos (do you see the Capitol in the background??):


J sleeping in the cafeteria:

8 AM the crowds start pouring in!

Gosh it was nice being all warm inside ;)

This is when they found a suspicious bag. Within seconds they had cleared the area:

Oops someone just apparently didn't notice dropping their PURSE!

Snipers on the roof!

I had a strange fascination with the crazy amount of portapotties:

My fav uniform:

Bush leaving:

Huge thanks to K for letting me borrow these 2 photos. I decided to take videos of the actual parade/procession (will post those tomorrow) and borrow K's amazing photos.
BIDEN! (click to make the photo bigger)

Obama and family (click to make the photo bigger)

(Obama is on the left, his wife to the right, and the girls are riding backwards-Malia is waving on the left)


  1. How amazing to be there! Glad you got to stay warm too :)

  2. Wow, you are going to have a great story to tell for years to come! I love the photo of the capitol at sunrise - you should make that larger and frame it.

  3. That is a wonderful experience for you!!!

  4. You are so lucky to have been there! What an amazing experience, and I love the picture of Biden waving in the car and Obama and his family.

    I just watched the Will & Grace Kevin Bacon episode you told me about! It was so funny, I loved it! Thanks so much for telling me about it.

  5. Looks like a blast...woulda loved to be there for the historic occasion!

    Check out cat meeting a ceiling fan

  6. Great pics! It's exciting that you were actually there for such a historic event :)

  7. Wow~ you had the BEST seats. I love the picture of the capitol at sunrise. Aren't you glad you didn't have to use the portapotties??

  8. Woow, great pics!

    I left you an award in my blog :)

  9. How exciting! It must have been a great experience to be there.

  10. AWESOME!! We have so much to talk about at our meet up!! xo

  11. Love the pics! I couldn't come downtown but I live vicariously through your pics, and others from friends. Thanks for posting them.

  12. You had the best seat in town it looks like!

  13. I tagged you! What wonderful pictures!

  14. So. Cool.
    You will have a lot to tell your children some day and the pics to illustrate, porto potties included!

  15. Great pictures!!!

    I wish I could have been there!


  16. How amazing! I love that you slept at work - I would have done the same thing! I love the pic of the port-o-potties, it's a great photo! Looks like an amazing time - you really witnessed something historical first hand!

  17. So very excited! I woke up this morning and couldn't believe it has been a week!

  18. These are really wonderful Miss Kate, you had such a great seat on history!

    Thanks for posting them,

  19. Fabulous!! Why did you have to stay there overnight though?

  20. That is so exciting!! What an experience to get to be there for such a historical occasion?!

  21. You're brave! My cousin had to do the same for fear she wouldn't make it to her office that day.

  22. That's awesome that you were able to be there--something you'll talk about for the rest of your life!

  23. I love these pictures!

  24. That's awesome to be there, no matter your political views, it's history to be at a Presidential Inaguration!

  25. That's awesome to be there, no matter your political views, it's history to be at a Presidential Inaguration!


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