Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Calling all Polyvore and Gossip Girl fanatics!

Thanks to Kimberly I found out that Polyvore is doing a Gossip Girl outfit contest! The details are here.

"Create an outfit inspired by your favorite Gossip Girl character. 3 winners chosen by the Polyvore team will receive $100 American Express gift cards to use to buy their outfits! The winners will also be featured on the Polyvore Explore page and blog. Don't forget to tag your set with "Gossip Girl" and the name of the character who inspired your outfit." (Contest ends May 11)

A couple of good ones:
LOVE the anchor D&G dress!

There are over 2000 entries so start working now!

Here are the photos from when I saw them filming! I wanted to tell you all about what I saw but didn't want to ruin the twist!


  1. This is super cute~~ thanks for the heads up, xxooo

  2. Now that is a fun contest. If entries are still open, I just may have to put something together . . .

  3. what a fun idea for a contest- thank you for clueing us in on it!

    PS- felt the same way about TV Nate- wasn't hunky/Homecoming King self-assured enough, but after the talk last night, oh man, swoon!


  4. Thanks for writing about our contest!

    I love your blog : )

  5. gossip girl rocks.

    exceptttt...i want dan and serena together. and chuck and blair together. why oh why can't that just happen?


  6. thats perfect! i cant wait to see all of the entries.. maybe i'll enter myself I wouldn't mind winning an outfit

  7. Great contest. OMG!! I have to tell you I was just watching the "Insider", and Cujo was doing his best and worst dressed. Well Blair got WORST dressed! I forgot where she was, but is wasn't on the show. You could probably google it though. Just thought I would let you know. I saw the outfit and it wasn't very Blair-like, I must say.

  8. Did you hear about the new line at Target...http://perezhilton.com/2009-05-06-targeting-gossip


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