
Friday, June 5, 2009


Let me just say Santorini is even more beautiful in person! I have to share this story with you all: There is no road going up to Santorini (well there is one by the new port but it is far from Oia) so you must go up/down over 600 stairs either walking or on a donkey or take a cable car. My tour ended and we were supposed to take the cable car down. Well it was too windy! I had worn flip flops thinking I wouldn't be doing that much walking. I had to walk down those steps in flip flops. Best part: the donkey uses the steps as a bathroom so you can only imagine how much fun that was ;) There was actually a couple that had just gotten married that had to walk down too (in her wedding dress!).

One Year Ago Today (Australia edition)


  1. this is where we're going for our honeymoon! have fun!

  2. Funny story, glad you're having so much fun on your trip! I've always wanted to go to Santorini :)

  3. I cant wait for postcards... and Im totally jealous that u are in Greece... xxooo

  4. I want to visit Santorini so bad! We're thinking about a Mediterranean cruise after my brothers graduate from high school in a couple years...though it would be more a present for me and my mom than them!

  5. I got my postcard yesterday and it made my day! Even my hubby thought it was too cool. :) Thank you!!

  6. Loving hearing your adventures!! xoxo

  7. Oh my. Santorini is one of my top five places that I would love to visit!!!

  8. Hopefully you had beautiful views on the walk down!

  9. hey,
    glad you are having a good time on your trip! I got your postcard from Africa the other day in the mail. Thanks so much!

  10. So glad you are having a great time. I did a similar cruise and Santorini was one of my absolute favorite places it is so beautiful!!

  11. I'm glad to hear you are having a good time.

    Whenever I hear Santorini, I now think of Gossip Girl :P


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