
Monday, November 16, 2009

Angela Moore nautical ornaments

I am going to attempt a mini nautical Christmas tree this year. If I start collecting now I will have enough nautical ornaments for a big tree in a few years ;) I have already started looking for nautical ornaments. Here are my favorites from Angela Moore. Both are steals for just $10!


Palm Trees:

Do you sell nautical ornaments? Did you see nautical ornaments at a local store? Email me and I will feature them on the blog.


  1. Ahhh... a mini nautical Christmas tree will be SOOO cute.

    I haven't seen many nautical ornaments this year. However, Anthropologie has a few. I'll email you the link.

  2. Kate- what a great idea! What are you thoughts on GG, I don't know how much I am looking forward to it. I do love Trip!

  3. How CUTE. I always keep my eye open for nautical things for you.

  4. I love the pink one!!

  5. Of course you love Love Actually. Another reason to love you ;)

    Let's try to plan a meet up before I leave for SA. I come back Sunday so maybe the following weekend?


Thanks for stopping by! If you have a question please make sure to leave your email address in your comment.