
Sunday, January 2, 2011

And I'm back!

(post-wedding sleigh ride)

What a week! I still can't believe my sister is married! Our trip was so fun. I am really glad my sister and her husband (!!!) decided to have a small wedding. I think we all got to know each other pretty well by the end of the week. While it was really really really cold (think below zero DURING THE DAY) everyone had a great time (I think). I mostly took video while my other sister took photos so it will probably be a few days before I post more photos. I tried to take photos of my outfits every day but that didn't last very long. I will make some polyvore posts so you can see what I wore each day.


  1. Welcome back! What a beautiful picture! Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time!

  2. Welcome back and Happy New Year! Can't wait to see photos.

  3. what a beautiful picture!! welcome back

  4. Welcome back! Congrats to your sister! Can't wait to see the photos! :)

  5. Beautiful picture of the sleigh ride.
    Welcome back to blogland.

  6. Congrats to your sister! Can't wait to hear about it and see what you guys did with the dress. :)

  7. That sounds like a fun time! I'll be excited to see your pictures.

  8. Welcome Back!

    I'm sorry I've been terrible at responding to texts lately! Let's get together soon :)


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