
Monday, March 21, 2011

Live from...

you thought I was going to say New York right? Well I didn't end up going to New York this past weekend. It was such a tough decision (lots of tears involved) but I was pretty sick and flying, staying at a hotel, walking around in cold weather just didn't seem like the best idea. I will always remember when I had a bad cold coming back from my cruise in 2009. The flight from Rome to DC was HELL. Every passenger GLARED at me each time I coughed or sneezed. I could tell people were annoyed and probably grossed out. I did not want a repeat of that! I ended up getting much worse after flying so I am trying NOT to repeat that disaster (I think it's pretty common to relapse after/while traveling). I'm pretty sure my poor friend would get no sleep with me coughing all night and I lost my voice so haven't been very entertaining.

Instead of hanging out in Central Park or dining at Otto, I spent my weekend watching repeats of Sex and the City and ordering pizza. The worst? I could have seen Steve Martin IN PERSON at the Colbert Report (M is still going to maybe she can kidnap him for me ;)

Thankfully I am on antibiotics and getting better. My voice is slowly coming back. I relaxed over the weekend and am going to take it easy today.


  1. I feel for you...I hate you missed your trip. But I agree about flying with a cold, I did it one time and I thought my sinuses were going to explode... it was no fun.

  2. I'm so sorry you missed your trip, but it was probably for the best :(
    I flew while very sick once and ending up bursting an eardrum because I couldn't pop my ears...worst. trip. ever. haha
    I hope you start to feel better though!!! :)

  3. AW! I hate that you missed your time, but at least you're starting to feel better now!!

  4. Hope you feel better soon Kate! That's always a tough decision but you're right - you prob would've been much worse if you went. Sometimes your body sends you a message loud and clear - 'you need to chill out!' and I think you'll be glad you did. There will be another trip. Time to take care of yourself. =)

  5. Sorry you missed your trip. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. I know you are disappointed! I love NYC!
    Hope you get well soon!

  7. let me know if you need me to bring you anything!! sorry you didn't get to go on your trip :(

  8. This definitely Happened to me once! I long flight back from london, I couldn't stop coughing! Definitely got glares handed out to me...I know how you feel! I'm sorry you missed your trip, and hope you feel better!

  9. I'm sorry friend! I hope you are feeling better soon and you made the right decision for everyone! Flying with ear troubles is HARD!

  10. That's too bad you missed the trip, but I definitely understand--it sucks to travel sick! Get well soon!

  11. It sounds like you made the right decision. Hope you feel better soon!

  12. Although disappointing, I think you made the best decision. You would have had no fun being sick and miserable in NYC. You can go when you're feeling healthy and perky.
    Hope you recover quickly.


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