
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Travels

I am so excited that I have not one but TWO fun trips planned for this spring!

First, I am going to New York with a friend for spring break (well my friend's grad school break, my work break). This will be my third annual spring trip to New York: 2009 (here, here , and here) and 2010 (which was technically late winter but close enough). I can't wait to shop, eat at some fun restaurants, and enjoy the sights! I am always looking for recommendations for restaurants and shops (I've already done the touristy things so I'm now looking for local favorites)

Then in April I am going to Hawaii for work. Yes, it is technically work BUT I love my job so I am actually looking forward to this trip. Minus the longish flight with an active toddler, I think Hawaii will be fun. H is a water baby so we'll be enjoying the pool and beach!


  1. When are you going to NY? I'll be there this month!

  2. Both trips sound so great! Have an amazing time!

  3. You'll have a great time in NYC and Hawaii! Esp Hawaii even if you are going for work.

  4. Wow, that sounds great and lots of fun!

  5. I just wanted to let you know that I awarded Nautical by Nature the Stylish Blogger Award on my blog Darling Notes today! I love your fantastic style and nautical finds :)

  6. Two of my favorite places! Hope you have so much fun! :)

  7. Both of those sound like pretty fun trips!

  8. You really know how to start Spring with such fun travels, so envious. Looking forward for your post. Enjoy!

  9. Enjoy your travels. You must go to Mario Batali's EATaly NYC. It's a food emporium and more. I'll come up w/ "local" places for you.

  10. I'm happy to recommend some places, too, let me know what your plans are thus far!

  11. Lucky you! I sure wish my company would send me to Hawaii :)


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