Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to School

Ok I'm not going back to school (yet) but it's almost that time of the year! I am doing a whole week of back to school posts so get ready! I decided to do my back to school posts a couple of weeks before school actually starts so that you have time to order any of the things I feature in time for your first day!

It still feels weird NOT to be getting ready for school. Sometimes on sunday nights I get this feeling like I'm forgetting to do my homework. And then I remember I don't have homework! I don't need to go buy new uniforms (from k-12 I wore a uniform) or make the trek to Bed Bath and Beyond with my dorm wish list. I do still buy school supplies. I LOVE when stores put out the school supply displays.

I've always planned on going onto graduate school so I know that papers and exams and all that (not) fun stuff will be part of my life again (that is going to be TOUGH!). Until then I will just live vicariously through my readers who are off to school in just a few weeks.

Are you off to high school? College? Graduate school? Are your kids starting school? Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. I'm in love with school supplies!! Haha... luckily I am a teacher so I still get to go "school shopping" for clothes and supplies every year!

  2. Kids went back to school here today!
    I love school supplies and always load up for myself when I am getting the teen's stuff together!

  3. For me, school starts Thursday! Yikes, teaching 60 60th graders (again). Here goes nothing!

  4. I'm starting my last semester of college in two weeks! I LIVE for new school supplies!

  5. I start in about a week. Yay. Except not. Shopping is fun-ish, but I'm sort of past the age where I looked forward to it.

  6. I'm also a teacher, so I get to do the back to school stuff without all the dread of tests and homework! Well, I still have all of that to do but grading is a lot better than studying for them :)

    K-12 I'd always get a new back to school outfit, which I've decided to keep as an adult tradition. Perfect excuse, right? Look forward to the posts!

  7. My kiddos still have three weeks of summer vacation left. We will have a first grader and a first-year preschooler when school starts. We are anxiously awaiting the teacher assignment and corresponding supply list for the six-year-old!

  8. I'm headed back for my junior year of college. It seems crazy that it's already halfway through! And, I can't believe that every time I go into Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I find something new for my apartment.

  9. I'm done with my graduate studies 4 years ago and now currently taking a short term course in bookkeeping just to keep me updated. Also, currently working in a company as a finance manager but still single at 32.

    Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

  10. I'm done with school but don't have kids yet. However, I still love buying new "school" supplies for fall :)


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