
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving! I admit I often forget how lucky I am. I have a lot to be thankful for and I hate that it takes a holiday to remind me of that.

I am thankful for...

my family. They drive me nuts but isn't that how it's supposed to be? I have 3 supportive, loving parents (mom, dad, and stepmom), 2 amazing sisters (and a now I have a brother in law too) and let's not forget the new addition to the nautical family (can't believe next Thanksgiving we'll have a BABY at the table!)

my job. Some days I just want to lock myself in the closet and hide from H (toddlers can and will drive you NUTS!). But I really do love my job.

my friends (real life and blog) I am thankful for every kind thing you do, nice comment you make. I am thankful for my twitter friends that get me through a rough day of work, my blog friends that make me smile with their posts and comments and my real life friends that continue to put up with my craziness!


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