
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

The past year has been filled with major events (found out I'm going to have a nephew!) and many smaller events (WB set visits, Vineyard Vines store opening, too many movies to list!). I usually write down the big things in my planner but I need to work on recording the smaller things too (adding it to the list of 2012 resolutions).

January 2011:
My sister got married (technically December 2010 but trip continued into 2011), celebrated New Year's in Idaho, hosted a Golden Globes party, fell and hurt my foot at the park, sister's LA wedding reception
February 2011:
H turned 1, Steelers went to the Super Bowl and lost :( hosted a Valentine's Party
March 2011:
Got really really sick and missed my trip to New York (yep this basically summed up the whole month!)
April 2011:
Kicked off grilled cheese month at Clementine, went on a (work) trip to Kauai , Easter brunch
May 2011:
Interviewed for a newspaper article (don't think it ever got published...), went to Santa Barbara
June 2011:
Went to Mexico with my sister, celebrated my 3 year sky diving anniversary (I will celebrate every year!)
July 2011:
Went to San Francisco, found out my sister is pregnant, went to the Hollywood Bowl
August 2011:
Had the perfect staycation, finally saw the last Harry Potter movie (and cried that's it's over), went to the Hollywood Bowl, saw Tangled on the big screen at the Grove
September 2011:
H started "school", met Rachel Bilson/Hart of Dixie event, saw Lion King in 3D
October 2011:
Celebrated my 25th birthday, went to the Vineyard Vines store opening party in Newport, went to the Gossip Girl by Romeo & Juliet launch party, neighborhood block party, featured on Project Gadabout
November 2011:
4 year blogversary, went to DC for Thanksgiving, took H to the zoo, went to Disneyland, saw Bring It On (the musical)
December 2011:
Saw Wicked, went to Sacramento for family Christmas party


  1. Sounds like quite the year! Best wishes for 2012, Kate!

  2. What a year! Wishing you more fabulous fun in 2012!


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