
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4 years ago...SKY DIVING!

Four years ago I jumped out of an airplane in Cairns, (Queensland) Australia. Yes, you read that correctly!

If you know me at all (even just reading this blog) you can probably tell I'm not a risk taker. I never really rebelled (you're welcome, mom and dad) and rarely do anything crazy (I would say never but I guess that depends on your definition of crazy ;)

I still can't believe I did it. Without the DVD, I doubt my family and friends would even believe me!!! It was so out of character that I did it AND I wasn't even afraid (I was actually more afraid to snorkel the morning before). I convinced two friends to go with me. I was the first to jump. There are no words to describe what it is like free falling from thousands of feet in the air!

Think of this post as a reminder to (occasionally) do something crazy and out of character! You never know how it will change your life for the better! On days when I am feeling down I just look at one of these photos and instantly feel happy!


  1. Oh my gosh, wow! Love this kind of reminder, though! :)

  2. Omg, I am so jealous. I've wanted to go skydiving for forever. One day!

  3. That is so cool kate! Everyone in my family thinks I'm nuts but I want to do this so badly! They are offering a skydiving excursion in August at our family's boat club. I'm so tempted!!

  4. That looks like an awesome adventure!

  5. Awesome! I really want to do it myself, but then again it is totally in my nature to do spontaneous things for the heck of it because they look like fun.


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