
Monday, August 6, 2012

New blog design!

I am excited to announce that I have a new blog design! If you are reading in google reader click on through to see the updated design! Blair of Leap Marketing and Design helped update Nautical by Nature and she gave me a fancy About Me page too! I was pretty indecisive and wasn't exactly sure what I wanted. Blair basically read my mind! I love the colors she chose for the updated header. And the stripes=nautical perfection! I highly recommend Blair if you are looking for a blog designer! You can see her portfolio here.

I am still working out some kinks in the layout (I'll probably move the labels to the footer) but I am hoping you all love the new layout as much as I do! I want it to be easy to navigate. Let me know what you think!


  1. love it! great colors & design!!!

  2. Ahh, I love it so much! And your about me page is so unique--adorable!

  3. Love the new design, especially the colors and your new About Me page! =)

  4. I love it!! Great color choice!

  5. So glad you used Leap by design! They are the best!!!

  6. Swanky! I love it

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  7. Wow, this looks great. It's amazing what a different burst of color will do. Enjoy it!

  8. It looks fantastic!!! Love it!!!

  9. Love it! It looks fantastic & so very nautical. Beautiful!

  10. Beautiful design! It suits you well and perfect colors too :)

  11. LOVE IT! I think it really suits you.

  12. LOVE IT! I think it really suits you.


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