
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Organzing: Junk Drawer

The top drawer of this thing by my door/in my entryway is my designated junk drawer:
I ALWAYS put things in the same place as soon as I walk in the door: my Vineyard Vines tote, laptop (Vera Bradley elephant bag), Blackberry (pink) and ipod (blue), keys (in that pink and white thing), mail/bills (pink container), shoes (flip flop bucket). The pink and brown bag is my recycling. I haven't figured out a better place for it so it sits there.

The first thing I did was go through everything and put things back if they belonged somewhere else (for example, expired neosporin into trash). I also found more small boxes to put inside (Target dollar bin ones fit perfectly) to contain the clutter. I switched out the placemat I had at the bottom of the drawer. I wanted to use the pink and green on my table now

From L to R: last year's planner, box with office supplies (chalk, crayons, packing tape), anchor box has H's things that somehow end up back at my apartment, heart bag (with soap inside) from my stepmom-got it for Valentine's Day and haven't figured out what I want to put inside. For now it just makes the drawer smell super nice! Cupcake container (kleenex, gum, tic tacs), random box (measuring tape, business cards, my Flip, my arm band light for running, stamps, compact), acrylic box (keychains, key cards, keys)
The second drawer is art supplies, glue, scrapbooking materials, stamps, stickers, etc.

The third drawer has a bag with all of the instruction manuals/directions for pretty much anything I've bought and miscellaneous technology (cords, boxes, chargers)


  1. My junk drawer is in the kitchen, but like you, I have a spot for everything when I come home in the evenings.
    Happy Tuesday!
    Lulu and Daisy

  2. Looks great! I love having a freshly organized junk drawer!

  3. Looks nice! I need to organize my junk drawers.

  4. I NEED TO DO THIS. Good for you girl!

  5. You're so organized! I need to do this for my nightstand has inadvertently become a junk drawer!

  6. So jealous of your organizational skills.


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