
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Favorite Kid Books

I could probably write multiple blog posts on this topic but I'll stick to just one ;) These are some books I love as a nanny and aunt for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. I forgot to look on H's bookshelf before I left work so these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. I am linking up with Kelly at Kelly's Korner

Little Gorilla (used the big version of this as the guest book at my sister's baby shower)

Anything by Sandra Boynton

I am not a fan of the Mo Willems books (there, I said it!). Cute illustrations but too many words for me. HA! I really do not like Yummy Yucky and No No, Yes Yes because they just seemed to offer new ideas to H who hadn't even thought of doing the no no and yucky things!

What books are on your child's bookshelf?


  1. My favorite books as a kid were the entire Angelina Ballerina series. I didn't necessarily want to be a ballerina, but I obsessed over those books. I would check them out of the library every time we went.

    My other favorite book skews a little older, but I was reading before I went to kindergarten so I graduated from basic books pretty quickly. The Enchanted Horse by Magdalen Nabb was probably the best book of my life. I read it so many times the book fell apart.

  2. I work in a preschool and the students love these books:

    Mo Williems: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, My Friend is Sad, Happy Pig Day!, Should I Share My Ice Cream?

    We're Going on a Bear Hunt By: Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury
    They love acting it out!

    How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? By: Jane Yolen and Mark Teague


  3. haha i love the Madeline series!! I still have the beginning memorized because i read it so much :)

  4. Even though I don't have my own classroom yet, I have been stocking up on cute books for my classroom library. I have a ton of Amelia Badelia books!! She was always one of my favorites as a kid! I also LOVE Rainbow Fish! It shows how people can be different and that's okay! I love the message it has and it's sparkly too. :)

  5. Great picks! We love Memories of a Goldfish and Goodnight, I Love You a lot lately in our house!

  6. We love Good Night Good Night Construction Site over here as well as I Am A Bunny.

  7. Oh yes, we love a few of these. I'm going to have to check the library for others though. I've never heard of Goodnight Construction Site! It looks perfect for us! Right now Milo loves Thomas the train board books and Nolan will likes any and all science themed early readers. He's not into stories right now, which is hard. I can only read about lizards and volcanoes before bed every so often!


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