
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Maui recap

There wasn't going to be a big work trip this spring but then at the last minute my employers changed their minds and booked a trip to Maui. I had less than a week's notice (not ideal for my type A control freak) but I made it work. First trip post-potty training I was excited to ditch the diaper bag (separate post on the new system next week) and baby gear. Lots of beach and pool time (our hotel had a really fun kid pool with a pirate ship and water slide and a playground in the grass right next to it), fruity drinks, eating, and a little bit of shopping. We even went to a goat farm where I got to feed some adorable goats (highly recommend visiting this place if you have children with you). I had planned on doing more reading and tv watching in my downtime but never opened my book and only watched the finale of the Mentalist and an episode of Revenge on my computer. I did manage to draft some blog posts at least.

And a big thank you to the guest bloggers that filled in with little notice! coastal finds at Dillard's, nautical outfit ideas for work, the gym, and going out, summer movies, nautical summer camp, and Charleston

view from my hotel room
have to have at least one beach photo right?
And of course a sunset photo with a tiny sailboat in the background

Going to our special dinner together the night mommy and daddy went to their fancy dinner

Luau on our finale night
Lavender farm with the ocean/beach way in the background

sailboat salt and pepper shakers I brought back with me

Restaurants (keep in mind that I am a picky eater and not super into seafood so these are the ones we went to BUT I can't really say much about the food itself):
Son'z at Swan Court (in the Hyatt Regency)
Haliimaile General Store (this is where I got the sailboat salt and pepper shakers)
Cheeseburger in Paradise (Hands down H's favorite. He loved getting his fruity drink in a giant pineapple)


  1. So fun! I love Maui so much! Duke's is delicious, but Cheeseburger in Paradise is definitely an awesome first choice :)

  2. Ohh lucky! I would love to go to Hawaii. Those salt and pepper shakers are the cutest!

  3. aww that is so sweet that you and H got to go to your own special dinner. I am sure he thought that was cool! and I am the same way... I am a planner. But for Hawaii, I would def make an exception!

  4. We lived in Hawaii for 5 years and Maui was my favorite island! So beautiful!

  5. Looks like you had an amazing time! I love the salt and pepper shakers. I have lighthouse one from Portland, Maine I take out for the summer :)

  6. I love Hawaii! I've been twice and Maui and Kaui are the best!

    Check out my blog


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