
Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall TV: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I love TV. I love coming home from work and turning on a favorite show. I love having friends over to catch up on Revenge or Pretty Little Liars. I think there are so many great shows out there. Of course there are some awful (reality) shows, etc but I try to focus on the ones with a bit more substance. DVR=best invention ever! I rarely watch live TV. I think I have actually cut back on my TV watching because I am not turning on the TV and channel surfing. I go immediately to my DVR and catch up on favorite shows. There will be some shows that I stop watching mid-season (because they get canceled or just plain suck!). OR I will have multiple episodes on my DVR until winter hiatus and then catch up when nothing else is on (did this with Once Upon a Time). I do not have time to watch all of these shows every single week! Let me repeat: I do not watch hours and hours of TV every night! (considering I work from 8-6:30 it just wouldn't be possible!)

I'll watch the first two episodes of a new show and then decide if I want to continue watching. I have bolded new shows. To see the full schedule of fall premiere dates I recommend these calendars from TV Line or Watch with Kristin. Most shows won't be premiering until mid-end of September or early October (darn you CW!). But some shows are back as early as next week so definitely check dates!

Which new shows are you most excited about????
Which shows will you miss (I'm still sad about Cult)?

What I plan to record this fall (again Thank God for DVR!):
Hart of Dixie, CW, 8 p.m. (October)
Mom, CBS, 9:30 p.m. (giving this a shot because I love Anna Faris-I don't usually like CBS comedies)
Hostages, CBS, 10 p.m.
Castle, ABC, 10 p.m.
The Blacklist, NBC, 10 p.m.

The Originals, CW, 8 p.m. (October)
Awkward, MTV, 10:30 p.m. (October)

Law and Order: SVU, NBC, 9 p.m.
Modern Family, ABC, 9 p.m.
Nashville, ABC, 10 p.m.
Ironside, NBC, 10 p.m. (October)

The Vampire Diaries, CW, 8 p.m. (October)
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, ABC, 8 p.m. (October)
Reign, CW, 9 p.m. (October)
The Crazy Ones, CBS, 9 p.m. (I usually like SMG so we'll see!)
Elementary, CBS, 10 p.m.
Scandal, ABC, 10 p.m. (October) (I haven't watched this before but am hoping to catch up by the time the new season starts)

Once Upon a Time, ABC, 8 p.m.
Revenge, ABC, 9 p.m.
The Mentalist, CBS, 9 p.m.

Not sure about these ones below. Anyone hear anything good or bad about:
 * Betrayal 
* Brooklyn Nine-Nine
* The Goldbergs
* Lucky 7

It seems like there will be more midseason shows this year so stay tuned for an update in November


  1. Don't forget about PBS. A wonderful limited series (only 3 episodes) just ended last night--Silk, a Masterpiece Mystery. Also, just before Masterpiece Mystery, a new series started, Last Tango in Halifax (nothing at all like that other Last Tango!)

    And joy of joys, at least for me, new episodes of Foyle's War start next Sunday. It's part of Masterpiece Mystery. If you've never watched Foyle's War, you can catch up via Netflix.

    1. I have only heard good things about the PBS shows but haven't watched any yet. I do love a good mystery! Have you seen Broadchurch on BBC?

  2. I'm so confused by this schedule cause mine reads:
    housewives, housewives, housewives, housewives!!!

    1. HA! I've never seen those shows. But I fear if I started watching I'd never stop!

  3. I honestly don't know what I would do without a DVR, it really is the best invention ever. I could never live in a place without one. I'm super excited for Walking Dead and American Horror Story, but they don't come back until October.

    1. AHS is definitely too scary for me! Is Walking Dead scary?

  4. I love Modern Family, Nashville, and Once Upon A Time. I honestly don't know what I'd do without DVR or Hulu because otherwise I would never get a chance to watch any of them!


  5. I am looking forward to Hart of Dixie coming back! Also, Castle, Chicago Fire, and Revenge ( we temp broke up but Justin Hartley is going to be I need to watch!)

    1. I can't wait for Hart of Dixie! I've never seen Chicago Fire but I love the guy that was on the Vampire Diaries before (Taylor something?)

  6. I'm so excited for Hart of Dixie, Nashville, Revenge, Modern Family and New Girl! Is it bad that I'm still said that Gossip Girl is over?!

    1. I definitely miss Gossip Girl too. I miss Chuck and Blair

  7. I am looking forward to the return of Nashville and my husband is going to be on the season premiere of Castle!

  8. Replies
    1. Just bought the first season on DVD to share with my mom. Catching up starting tonight!

  9. I'm going to watch Mom, Trophy Wife and Super Fun Night because I love the casts so much. I'll probably check out Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Michael J. Fox too.

    1. I'm undecided about all of those. I wish I was hearing more buzz one way or the other


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