
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fish Bellies


Lisa, who used to own HuePhoria has launched a new product called Fish Bellies. They are simply adorable fish shaped, microwaveable/freezable corn bags for heat and cold therapy. Store Fishbellies in the freezer and use to reduce swelling, manage pain and heal faster. Heat Fishbellies in the microwave for warmth and relief on muscles, cold feet or crampy body parts. The small one is good for stomach aches/cramps, knee pain, bumps and bruises (perfect size for kids!), etc. And the big one wraps around your neck and is great hot for shoulder aches or cold for hot flashes. Fishbellies are Earth friendly, non-toxic, and reusable! They are handmade in the USA.

Lisa is offering Nautical by Nature readers 20% off their orders with code: NAUTICAL






Lisa sent me one of the bigger ones to try. I really wish I had had one when I was sick over Christmas. I was miserable and something cool when I had a fever would have been perfect! So far I have used it cool around my neck after a long day. When I get home from work the first thing I do is change into comfy clothes and throw myself onto the couch. Sometimes I check my phone or turn on the tv but usually I just zone out. Add one of these around my neck and I am ready to relax. I also heated it up in the microwave and used it when I had cramps. When I was in high school I would buy those disposable heating pad things you could stick onto your stomach. Fishbellies are way cuter and more importantly, reusable!
The colors matched my new ottoman and tray perfectly!
design on the other side
Very soft and comfortable to have around your neck/shoulders

Folds up for easy storage (I just keep mine in the freezer so it's always ready to go!)

Disclosure: I was sent one of the large Fishbellies to review. All words and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. Those are just the cutest. I love the patterns and the soft construction! I could have used these in boarding school to be sure! Might need to get one for my office fridge/freezer...


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